Great Machines, Think Alike
Fraunhofer IPK
FUTUR is a magazine by Fraunhofer IPK to share the latest research developments within the organization.
I worked with the team to conceptualize the project for the Fraunhofer flagship project - Empathetic Technical Systems (EMOTION). Then, I illustrated it using Adobe Illustrator. This illustration translates the research of the project by drawing inspiration from a football field and it's players.
Production Technology
My Role
Concept development, Layout, Illustration
Marketing, Corporate publishing, design and research
Q4 2024
Collaboration between machines and people in industries.
"Empathetic production systems are intended to enable more efficient and resilient cooperation between the various players in production – this applies to the cooperation between increasingly intelligent machines themselves, but above all to the integration of humans into complex production systems." Quoted from the article.
Project Illustration represented as a football field with multiple players in the form of collaborative workflow.
Layout and Illustration for Organizational managers.
Translating conceptual research into illustrative workflows.
After having discussions with the Editorial team, head of digital communication and the head researcher of the project — we formulated concepts to best represent the project.
We decided to showcase the production flow of one of other ongoing projects. Using photographs taken by our team, I designed and illustrated the concepts.
Illustration Elements in the workflow.
From AI tools for ideation to graphic illustrations.
After a few concepts generated using Fraunhofer's AI model. A few concept illustrations that didn't move forward, we settled on the colors, the style of illustration and most creative representation of the article and project.
Process of narrative development and illustration in progress.
Multiple stakeholder collaboration, just the EMOTION project.
It was exciting to work with a team of 8 people to bring this concept to life. The inputs from the Editorial team, Researcher and design team had to align to bring this project to life.